Panco Management has been ranked #1 in the list of Top 100 Management Companies with 25+ communities by the Satisfacts/ApartmentRatings epIQ Index. Based on reputation review scores and resident surveys, this list is recognized within the multifamily industry as a leading indicator on which companies are consistently achieving the highest levels of resident satisfaction in their communities. Panco Management’s overall score in the July 2023 epIQ report was the highest in the country at 96.82.

“This recognition is a true testament to the passion and commitment of the entire Panco team,” states Kathy Masterson, VP of Operations. “Our mission is to provide our residents with exceptional living experiences at all levels and we are proud to be recognized as the top company in our industry.”

J. Turner Research recently announced the list of the top multifamily properties in conjunction with the 2022 ORA® Power Ranking. Based on reputation scores for over 132,000 properties across the country, eight Panco communities were recognized as part of the Elite 1%. Considered to be an industry benchmark, the annual ORA® Power Ranking is based on an analyzation of online reputation scores across various review platforms. Properties qualifying as part of the Elite 1% must meet a minimum ORA® Score of 94 reflecting an exceptionally high level of overall resident satisfaction.

The Panco Communities achieving this recognition are:

The Point at Royal Palm Beach
The Point at Glen Mills
The Point at Ridgeline
The Point at Monroe Place
The Point at Phoenixville
The Point at 3 North
The Point at Exton
The Point at Downingtown

For a full list of the Top 1% communities in the nation, visit J. Turner Research Elite 1% ORA® Power Ranking.

The Panco team took home top honors at the Pennsylvania Apartment Association (PPA) Best of Apartment Living Awards Gala held on October 6, 2022. In addition to numerous property award achievements, Panco Management was named the 2022 Property Management Company of the Year. The full list of awards is as follows:

Panco Management

Management Company of the Year – 2022

The Point at Glen Mills

2022 Statewide Top Ten

Leasing Excellence, 3rd Place

The Point at Phoenixville

Maintenance Excellence, 2nd Place

The Point at King of Prussia

Overall Excellence, 3rd Place

For more information on the PAA Annual Best of Apartment Awards, visit

The Point at Royal Palm Beach, owned and managed by Panco Management, has been ranked as the number one property in the Miami-Ft. Lauderdale-West Palm Beach, FL MSA based on Online Reputation Assessment (ORA) scores. Developed by J. Turner Research, the ORA Power Rankings rate apartment properties across the nation with the average ORA score being 62.78. The Point at Royal Palm Beach scored 98 to tie for the first place ranking in the Southeast Florida region.

Dedicated to our mission of delivering outstanding living experiences to our communities, we are thrilled to have one of our leading properties recognized for providing top quality service to our residents. We look forward to continuing this level of excellence not only within the rapidly growing Southeast Florida area but also throughout our entire portfolio.

The ORA ranking was featured in the Multifamily Executive spotlight on 2022’s Top 25 Most Populated MSAs and the TOP 10 Properties in Each by ORA. The full ranking list can be found here.

Panco Management recently ranked #5 in the list of Top Ten Companies in the SatisFacts 2021 epIQ Index. The ranking was featured in the “Companies with 25+ Communities” category.

The Experience & Performance Intelligence Quotient (epIQ) Index is an industry-wide metric based on renter ratings and reviews verified by SatisFacts and ApartmentRatings. It is used as a standard within the multifamily industry to gain valuable insight on renter satisfaction and overall quality of service.

“We are extremely proud of our entire Panco team for achieving this important recognition”, states Kathy Masterson, Senior VP of Operations for Panco Management. “Being recognized as a top company in our industry is a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional living experiences to the residents of our communities.”

Learn more about the SatisFacts epIQ index here.

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